Three Ways to Help Children Grieve Well

Three Ways to Help Children Grieve Well

Grief is a natural part of life.  We will experience some sort of loss in this lifetime and it is important that we process our grief well.  Children need adults to help them navigate the difficulties. Eastern Star Church offers counseling to those who need assistance thinking through challenging circumstances in their lives. Davena Lewis has provided counseling to ESC members for over four years.  Currently, she assists teens who need support.  Davena talks with us more about grief and how adults can help children grieve well.

1. What is grief?  What causes it?

Let us keep in mind that grief can include someone that is still physically here.  Grief is not always related to someone who passes on and is no longer her.  In fact, grief includes the loss of anything or anyone who placed a significant role in your life. But, per the "definition," grief is defined as "deep sorrow, especially that is caused by someone's death."

2. How can it be expressed?

We know that grief is caused by a loss.  We can see grief played out in anger, addiction and often, depression, and just overall sadness.  As we know when these emotions are experienced, we have a difficult time with either expressing them verbally or non-verbally. 

3. How can adults come alongside to help children grieve well?

As parents and /or adults, we have difficulty in relating to our children/the children when they suffer loss because of their inability to appropriately process those emotions.  I have three words of advice as to how a parent can appropriately help their child through grief.




Those three words may seem easy, but parents have found difficulty in just listening. As Parents, they are always wanting to help with words. But, if you listen, you will be amazed at what you find out. If you watch, you will be charmed by what you see and if you observe, you find there is no need to ALWAYS feel as if you have to say or do something. 


If you or your child needs assistance processing a loss, please do not hesitate to contact the church for counseling by calling 317-547-5483 ext. 144 and ask to speak to the Exhortation Manager.


Eastern Star Church Teen Ministry provides an outlet for students to express their feelings and get support. On Monday, November 15th @ 7:30 pm during Teen Talk, teens, grades 6th -12th, will be talking about Trusting God in Tough Situations. Encourage your child to register and participate. (Events page link)


Psalm 34:18 -"The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit." 

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