Celebrating Our Youth Leaders

God uses young people to accomplish His purposes on this earth.  It is important that we teach our youth to hear God’s voice and act on His invitation to join Him in what He is doing in the lives of those around them. As Paul encouraged his son in the faith, Timothy, “don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12).  The following young people are doing just that!  Hear them as they share some wisdom.

Kaelyn Melson, age 12

Parents:  Reggen & Kevin Melson

What extracurricular activities are you involved in outside of the classroom?

I am an aspiring actress who has performed in local theaters and commercials. I volunteer with Catch the Stars Foundation. I am the co-owner of Mates Babysitting and am currently playing volleyball.  I am also an active member of the ESC Children’s Ministry.

Why does God use young people to make a difference in this world?

God uses young people to make a difference in the world to help show he can work through anyone.

How has participating in your extracurricular activities helped you realize how God has uniquely designed you to make a difference in the world?

In volleyball, you learn sportsmanship and how to appreciate your teammates. It’s a great way to practice building each other up and loving one another. Same for theatre, being able to give others tips to help them improve.

Name 2 -3 ways parents can help their children appreciate their uniqueness.

Parents can give their children affirmations and tell them when they’re proud of them and ways you appreciate them.

Braylen Venable, 12 ½ years old

Parent:  Keisha Starks

What extracurricular activities are you involved in outside of the classroom?

Boy Scouts, Robotic club, Karate, Center for Leadership Development and ESC Children’s Ministry.

Why does God use young people to make a difference in this world?

I think God uses young people to make a difference because we are able to see and learn things from a different perspective than older people. We are also willing to take more good risks that other people are not willing to take to be noticed and heard. Sometimes young people speak a different language that others are willing to hear. 

How has participating in your extracurricular activities helped you realize how God has uniquely designed you to make a difference in the world?

Oh.... because on my Robotic team there are so many people that can't code and build like I can and it reminds me that God gave me this talent. Also, I am able to pick up on playing the guitar really fast just within the last 8 weeks without any other prior lessons. It's so cool!

Name 2 -3 ways parents can help their children appreciate their uniqueness.

My mom is really good at this. She lets me do my own thing, even if it's not how she would do it and she compliments me when I am done. She has now given me more independence with school and social life, so that I can prove to her that I got this.  I actually feel like a teenager now because of that freedom. 

Encourage the children around you to embrace how God uniquely made them and be open to how He will use those traits to impact those around them. The Children’s Ministry at Eastern Star church hopes to assist you in this effort. Make time to watch the new YouTube Series called Chosen Young with your child, grandchild, niece, nephew or mentee. This series will acquaint you with young people in the Bible whom God chose to help Him accomplish great works on the earth.

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