The Retelling of the Resurrection: Through a Teen’s Eyes

The death and resurrection of Jesus ultimately means that those who put their faith in Him will be in right relationship with God and that we now have the power to live in a way that honors Him here on this earth. Yet, God is so big, this story can mean different things to different people at different times.  God’s truth speaks to children, teens, adults, male and female, and every ethnicity and nationality. This month, we will hear from Kimberly Gettis (16 years old). She wrote a poem about Jesus’ death and resurrection. Be blessed!



Beaten whipped and spitted on

Screamed at, shamed, and looked down upon

Weak and still forced to carry his cross

Even though He did nothing wrong

King of the Jews he undeniably proclaimed

Publicly humiliated, could you do the same

Nails in his hands and nails in his feet

Hung up on a cross like a worthless piece of meat

Taunted and mocked even on the brink of death

Crying and wondering why he had been forsaken until his last breath

Accepting a criminal into heaven that repented for his sins

Because evil doesn’t triumph, Jesus and good always wins

From a crown of earthly thorns

To the crown of heaven, he was mourned

Fulfilling God’s wishes

Cleaning the dirt away from the dishes

Dishes being people and dirt being sin

Sacrificing himself to save all women children and men

Pierced in the side

Killed like a criminal even though

He was pure inside Jesus being the only one God's One and only son

Brought to a tomb that was sealed away

Laying there and rising on the third day

The temple was destroyed but He rose up

He kept His promise and saved us through His unconditional and everlasting love


Why is the resurrection important to you?

The whole resurrection and crucifixion of Christ means so much to me because there are a lot of messages and lessons portrayed in the story that connect to the many situations that we deal with in today’s society. Before the resurrection, as Christ was on the cross, many people taunted and mocked Him. “You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself! Come down from the cross if you are the Son of God!” they mockingly said. Christ had the ability to do anything and everything to those people and he had the ability to come down, but that wasn’t GOD’S will. He was doing what was best for the people despite them not considering what was best or right for Jesus. Back then and today, people face trials that were meant to lead them astray from the intentions that God had/has bestowed upon them/us. No matter what negativity/negative people are against us, we must stay positive in Christ and know our situation will be worked out in the end. Just like Jesus did when he was on the cross, he followed the intentions that God wanted him to instead of letting people (who are not God or close to God) trick him into not fulfilling Gods will and in the end he was resurrected. Another reason the resurrection is important is because it teaches us that we have to sometimes sacrifice things in the name of Jesus, and we must be willing to take our lives or face other trials for the sake of God’s will. The resurrection teaches us that everything isn't going to be happy and dandy when it comes to being on God’s side, but we must still stick with Him because it will all be worth it in the end. The resurrection is also an example of God keeping His word. He said that he would rise in three days. He said that if they destroyed the temple, He would build it back up in three days and just like He promised, He did. Despite those who doubt the Lord, He still fulfills His promises.


Kim participates in our Teen Ministry.  Please consider getting your teen engaged too. Teen Ministry offers many opportunities for your child to learn more about God and themselves.  Teen Church will soon be coming back to in person ministry. Watch church announcements for more information. Virtual ministry continues on the 3rd Mondays (Teen Talk via Zoom), every Wednesday on Instagram live (esc.ignite) and Teen Church is posted on the 1st & 3rd Sundays on our YouTube page.