Celebrating Women Leaders in the Children's Ministry

March is Women’s History Month, a time to celebrate the contribution of women to our society. Celebrating the contributions of women is incredibly important and helps to mark the enormous progress women have made against a system that once believed their intelligence and purpose were inferior to that of men. Women were once viewed as property, and their only contribution could be in the home. A woman’s contribution is essential within the home however, God has uniquely designed women to contribute to the world outside the home as well. He created women as an equal partner in caring for His creation and being a part of drawing a lost world to Him.  

Women have contributed greatly to the church. They use their gifts to model, teach and nurture children and adults towards a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. This month, we will highlight women who are contributing to the IGNITE Children & Teen Ministries at Eastern Star Church. 


Neekie Hemphill 

Tell us something about yourself.  

I am originally from Chicago but have lived in Indianapolis for about 35 years now. I am a graduate of Purdue University and Indiana Wesleyan. During the pandemic, I have taken up knitting by way of YouTube videos! I have six siblings. I was a Big Sister for 20 years with the Big Sisters program (now Big Brothers, Big Sisters). I had four little sisters and served on the Board. I'm a huge Mickey Mouse fan and I love doing crafts.  

How long have you been a member of Eastern Star Church? 

I have been a member since 1990. 

When did you start serving in Children's Ministry? Why do you serve in this area?  

I started serving in Children’s Church when we moved to the 30th Street location and have been with the ministry since then. I don’t have family here in Indianapolis and missed hanging out with my nieces and nephews. I enjoy interacting with children. Children’s Church ministry was a great way to have that interaction as I learn and grow along with the children. 

Since we have been worshipping virtually, what do you miss the most about serving in this area?  

I miss seeing all their little faces and the hugs - and the amazing volunteers at Cooper Campus! It’s great to see some of them during the watch party on 3rd Sundays but I would love to see many more on there. 

As we celebrate Women's History Month, celebrate a woman who has been instrumental in your spiritual growth.  

Wow, there are many I can name! Sis. Sylvia Dandridge comes to mind. She is in glory now, but I will always remember the countless bible study and prayer sessions with her. She was a Sunday School teacher at one point and wrote two books, so I spent a lot of time with her assisting her with typing and in fellowship. I am also blessed to know Sis. Diana Dickerson. She has a wonderful spirit and is a joy to be around. 


When your child participates in the programming that Eastern Star Church, they are exposed to these and many more impressive women and men of God. See below the upcoming events for your children and teens to interact with these dynamic volunteers. 

Sunday, March 20th – Children’s Church Watch Party for Preschool & Elementary age students at 12:15pm on Zoom.  

Children interact with other students and children’s church volunteers. They will also watch the selected Children’s Church video together. Register your children by clicking here.