Join us for CREW Bible Study!


Mark 6:1-6

Pursue wisdom laying aside your past and others' expectations.

Pursue wisdom laying aside your past and others' expectations.

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Felecia Roseburgh

ESC CREW teacher for “The Wisdom of Jesus” class.

Christians often look for advice from a variety of sources. We consult our spouses, family, friends, Pastors, and even social media to gain insight into the issues that we face. God’s word teaches us that wisdom comes from above and is available if we ask for it. Christians can be rejected when we represent God in Spirit and in Truth. Sometimes even our closest friends and relatives do not believe what God is doing through us. Rejection comes when our reality does not meet our

expectations. God wants his children to remain steadfast in our commitment to Him, as we reveal God’s truths and show His power in the most complex situations. Jesus shared wisdom from the scriptures and modeled a perfect life, yet He was still rejected by those closest to him. He is our perfect example in everything, and we can look to Him for guidance on how to respond to those who do not believe what He is doing in our lives. Today’s lesson provides an example of how we should respond when we encounter the naysayers. The example provided by Jesus can be explained in two simple words – DON’T QUIT.


Wisdom Defined: What is wisdom?

  1. sophia (4678)1 – insight into the true nature of things

  2. phornēsis (5428)2 – mental action or activity, i.e. intellectual or more insight: prudence

  3. sunesis (4907)3 – to understand, denotes the understanding, the mind or intelligence

  4. Wisdom can be defined as having spiritual insight and an intellectual understanding of

    biblical truth and being prudent in the application of that truth in all areas of life.

  5. Contrast: Godly wisdom vs. worldly wisdom 1 Corinthians 1:19-3

Question: Do you possess Godly wisdom?


Wisdom Distributed

  1. Jesus taught in the synagogue - Mark 6:2

  2. Holy Spirit teaches wisdom to those in Christ - 1 Corinthians 2:13

  3. Spiritually mature share words of wisdom - 1 Corinthians 2:6

  4. The word of wisdom is also a spiritual gift - 1 Corinthians 12:8

Question: How did the crowds in Nazareth initially react to Jesus’ teaching?


Wisdom Developed

  1. Jesus grew in wisdom and strength - Luke 2:52

  2. Parental instruction is important - Proverbs 4:1-13

  3. Reverence of God is the beginning of wisdom - Psalms 111:10

  4. God freely gives wisdom to those who ask - James 1:5

  5. Characteristics of Godly wisdom - James 3:17; Galatians 5:22-23

  6. Worldly wisdom comes from the adversary - James 3:14-15

  7. Worldly wisdom is foolish and futile - Corinthians 1:20; 3:19-20

  8. Fools despise wisdom - Proverbs 1:7

    Question: How did Jesus grow in wisdom and strength?


Wisdom Displayed

  1. Jesus’ was obedient, worshipped, and served - Mark 6:2

  2. People were amazed at Jesus - Mark 6:2

  3. Wisdom rests in the heart - Proverbs 14:33

  4. Wisdom, truth, instruction, and understanding - Proverbs 23:23

  5. Wisdom produces Fruit of the Spirit - Galatians 5:22-23; James 3:17-18

  6. Wisdom revealed to believers by His Spirit - 1 Corinthians 2:10-12


    Why were the people perplexed by the words and miracles of Jesus?


Wisdom Dismissed

  1. People rejected the wisdom of Jesus - Mark 6:2

  2. People rejected the miracles of Jesus - Mark 6:2

  3. People minimized Jesus’ family - Mark 6:3

  4. People rejected Jesus and limited His ministry - Mark 6:3-5

  5. Jesus continued despite rejection - Mark 6:6

  6. Rejection is just a bump in the road - Mark 6:11

  7. Productivity often follows pain if you persevere - Mark 6:12-13; James 1:2, 12

    Question: Will the expectations of others limit what you do for Christ?



May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal encouragement and good hope by grace, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good work and word. — 1 Thessalonians 2:16-17