ESC Teen Council Interviews Start Soon!

The Bible records that Josiah became king of Israel at eight years old. When he was sixteen, the scripture says he sought the Lord and started to purge the nation of its idol worship (2 Chronicles 34:1-3).  In 1 Timothy 4:12, Paul writes Timothy, his young mentee in ministry, “Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe. God uses young people to influence the world for Him.

Eastern Star Church agrees with God.  We have many programs and opportunities for teens to grow in their relationship with God but also to use their gifts and talents to influence those around them. One way ESC provides leadership opportunities for teens is through the Teen Council. The Teen Council is responsible for leading and developing programming for the ESC Teen Ministry.  In May, students will have the opportunity to interview for positions on the council. 

The council is comprised of 12 students — four students from each of our three campuses, serving in the roles of Campus Ambassador, Social Marketing Assistant, Ministry Planning Assistant and Administration/ Stewardship Assistant. Students apply and interview for these positions. If selected, students serve a two-year term. Let’s hear from two students serving on the council now.


Kamya Williams, Senior in High School

1.    When did you start on the council?

I started on the council in 2018, the very first year it began. I applied to the council to get more involved in church and grow my relationship with Christ through actively participating in the teen ministry that I had already been very active in.


2.    What do you enjoy most about serving on the council?

I enjoyed the teen fellowship and getting more teen souls into the kingdom! It was not only exciting, but fun, and so refreshing seeing familiar and new faces! I enjoyed the outlet that I was able to have in the church teen group with so many like minds and different perspectives and personalities.


3.    How have you developed in your relationship with God, other council members and in your leadership abilities after serving on the council?

I have grown in my relationship with God immensely, allowing myself to grow as a teen in Christ and becoming so unashamed to share the word of God in any setting. The council has allowed me to gain so many new friendships that with last for a lifetime! Giving me so many new experiences and growing me in every aspect of my life! My leadership abilities have grown to say the VERY least! I went from being very passive, to being a full-fledged leader in Christ.

Knowing myself not only as a teen in this world, but as a teen IN CHRIST in this world!


Alexander Beck, Junior in High School

1.    When did you start on the council?

I started at the end of freshman year. I joined the Council because I thought it was a great way to get teens involved with ministry and great way give back to my community. 


2.    What do you enjoy most about serving on the council?

There are two things I enjoy the most about being a part of the ministry. I enjoy serving alongside my fellow peers and brainstorming ways we can improve the teen ministry.


3.    How have you developed in your relationship with God, other council members, and in your leadership abilities after serving on the council?

A lot of positive things have happened since joining the team council. I have become more confident when I speaking and leading activities, I am more comfortable when talking to fellow council members, and I read the Bible more frequently.

Encourage your child to participate in the Teen Council.  Interviews will happen this month so encourage them to apply. Watch the church announcements for more details.