ESC Middle School Ministry!

In 1 Corinthians 9, the Apostle Paul states “I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.” (1 Corinthians 9: 22-23, NIV).  In this passage, he states that he has become like a slave to win as many people as possible for the sake of the gospel.  Now, we probably wouldn’t say that we have become slaves to win people to the gospel, but the church works hard to ensure that the gospel is clear to all who hear it.


The Hebrew Bible was translated into Greek so that those who spoke Greek could relate to God’s Word in their own language. Today, translators continue to work diligently translating the Bible for people groups who have never heard the gospel.  God and His Word are also made plain when individuals can understand how God’s truth relates to their experiences.  Children and Teen Ministry are an answer to becoming all things to all people for this demographic.


Middle Schooler are at a unique stage in their development and our ministry wants to capitalize on reaching this group for Christ.  As a result, the ESC Teen Ministry is introducing Middle School ministry for 6th – 8th graders.  Below Pastor Percy Bland, ESC Youth Pastor and Pam Robertson-Terrell, ESC Teen Coordinator, explain why Middle School Ministry is important and their hopes for the ministry.


Ministry is not one size fits all and middle school years are extremely formative years in a child's development. I personally remember ages 11-13 being some of the most awkward years of my life. As a ministry, we are mindful of the growth that takes place in the transition between elementary school and high school, and we’re committed to creating a space in ministry that's exclusive to this group of students. Our hope is that our students would find a strong sense of community and identity among their peers and be able to experience Jesus on their level while having an absolute blast at church.

Percy Bland, Youth Pastor


I have worked in children’s church for over ten years and have found that students are apprehensive about transitioning to teen ministry during their sixth-grade year.  Middle school ministry is important because students will have programming on their age-appropriate level without being inundated by mature teen content.  We hope that the middle school curriculum will make the transition more manageable and less intimidating to middle school students.  In addition, we expect students in this age group will build bonds with peers of their ages.

Pam Robertson- Terrell, Teen Coordinator


 Middle School Ministry will take place during in person Teen Church.  Teen Church is offered every 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month on every campus.  Bring your child so that they can grow in their understanding of who God is and who they are in Him. Questions?  Contact Pam Robertson-Terrell at