ESC Joybelles Helps Children Worship God

Worshipping God is an essential part of a believer’s life. When we worship God, we remind ourselves of His character. God’s character includes the following: God will never leave us or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6). God is a provider (Philippians 4:19). God is a protector (Psalms 34:7-9). God loves and saves us (John 3:16). When we worship God, we are strengthened to follow Him and therefore be good representatives for Him in this world.

Teaching children to worship God is an awesome privilege.  When I was a child, I learned to worship God by watching my parents worship at home and at church. I also learned through participation in the children’s choir at my church. To this day, the Holy Spirit reminds me of the songs I learned, and they give me so much strength and encouragement.

Eastern Star Church offers this same opportunity through our children’s choir called Joybelles. Each campus has its own choir. Hear the heart of the Joybelles’ directors below.


Meet Valerie Lismon

  1. How long have you been directing the Joybelles?
    I have been directing seven glorious years at Cooper Road Campus, part of which I covered Main Campus Joybelles as well.

  2. What do you enjoy most about providing leadership over this ministry?
    Being able to expose children to various types of music, work with them to develop their singing talent and expose them to Christ via exciting songs.  I've been singing since I was 4 years old. I love to sing, and I enjoy sharing that love.

  3. In your experience, how does participation in Joybelles help a child understand God and how to live for Him?
    Some children join the choir without having joined the church. So, it's important to me to make sure they understand all about Jesus. When I teach songs, we talk about what that song means and how it applies to their daily life. One time we sang a song called "I Believe". We focused on what we believe as Christians and what they thought the song meant. The chorus of the song repeats "Bye Bye". I asked the choir to tell me what they wanted to say bye bye to, and that God could help. The list that they gave me brought tears to my eyes. They said bye bye to bullies, to abuse, to sadness, to hungry people, etc. They understood the assignment. The next Sunday, two of them joined the church and told me that they believed! The faith of children! And THAT is why I do what I do.

Some children join the choir without having joined the church. So, it's important to me to make sure they understand all about Jesus. When I teach songs, we talk about what that song means and how it applies to their daily life. One time we sang a song called "I Believe". We focused on what we believe as Christians and what they thought the song meant. The chorus of the song repeats "Bye Bye". I asked the choir to tell me what they wanted to say bye bye to, and that God could help. The list that they gave me brought tears to my eyes. They said bye bye to bullies, to abuse, to sadness, to hungry people, etc. They understood the assignment. The next Sunday, two of them joined the church and told me that they believed! The faith of children! And THAT is why I do what I do.


Meet Jennifer Botts

  1. How long have you been directing the Joybelles?
    I have been blessed to celebrate my seventh year Anniversary as the Fisher’s Campus Joybelles’ director on April 5, 2022.

  2. What do you enjoy most about providing leadership over this ministry?
    I enjoy providing leadership over the Joybelles’ ministry. It brings me most joy by spending quality time getting to interact with the Joybelles and their families.

  3. In your experience, how does participation in Joybelles help a child understand God and how to live for Him?
    When teaching the Joybelles songs about how much God loves them and how God sent his Son Jesus to die upon the cross for our sins, they give their lives to Christ Jesus and are baptized. Being a witness to this gives me so much joy as a Joybelles’ director.

To get your child involved in Joybelles, contact Sherri Garrison, ESC Director of Music at