Why is Estate Planning So Important?


Although estate planning is considered one of the most important means of biblical and financial stewardship, it is often overlooked by many of us — no matter how well we handle our finances.

Regardless of financial position, income or age, every adult should have an effective estate plan that includes future distribution of resources, outlines important medical decisions, and provides for the guardianship of minor children.

However, statistics reveal that more than 60% of the population dies without a will or trust plan in place — often leaving their loved ones engaged in a lengthy court process. Not only can these court processes lead to arguments and dissension within the family, it also can consume up to 8% of the estate in costs.

And, more importantly, it can leave loved ones without a blessing. 

The Bible teaches us in 1 Timothy 5:8, “Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”

Through Financial Freedom Institute (FFI) at Eastern Star Church, enrollees are learning fundamental and biblical financial stewardship principles that set them on the path to financial freedom and financial security.

Eastern Star Church members who have completed Financial Freedom 101A and Freedom 101B are eligible to enroll in Wills Vs. Trust, offered by  the Financial Planning Ministry (FPM) in partnership with ESC’s FFI.

FPM, a unique nonprofit partnership of ministries, is dedicated to providing individuals and families with a path to sound biblical stewardship through their estate plans. 

Through this special partnership with ESC’s FFI, FPM is helping members avoid the burdens caused by the failure to invest in estate planning. FPM provides church members a tool to avoid probate, eliminate federal estate taxes and loss of privacy, while protecting their loved ones by preparing trusts free of charge

FFI will be hosting a Wills vs. Trusts webinar with FPM on Tuesday, June 2, and Thursday, June 4, starting at 6:30 p.m. You will have a choice of which day to attend, as the same information will be shared both nights.

The Wills vs. Trusts webinar is a vital tool that will provide a wealth of usable, practical and verifiable information, helping our members avoid unnecessary and sometimes devastating consequences with just some simple pre-planning.

A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children.
— Proverbs 13:22


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