Waving Palms for Jesus
Bible Memory Verse: Jesus lives forever. Hebrews 7:24
Bible Basis: Jesus entered Jerusalem as its King
Luke 19:29-38; John 12:12-13
Bible Truth: Jesus is King
Lesson Aim: That your students will praise Jesus; their King.
Background Reading: Luke 19:29-38, John 12:12-13, Matthew 21, Mark 11.
Photo from Etsy: “How-Tuesday: Gold Paper Crown” by David Morgan
Lead a short prayer with the children: "Dear God, we know that Jesus is special. You sent Him to us. We love You in Jesus’s name. Amen."
Game: Before starting the lesson, play this game. Use paper and tape to make a crown. Have each person take turns pretending to be a king.
Take turns placing the paper crown on each person’s head. Ask each person to choose what they would like to do as king, then act it out.
Discussion: Ask the children what is a king? ( A king is a man who is in charge of a country?) Have them name some kings from the Bible, story book or a movie. (not sports) Ask them what are somethings that kings do? (You may have to help them; ride a horse, fight for the kingdom, wear crowns, marry a queen, save the people).
Jesus and His disciples were on their way to the city of Jerusalem. It was almost time for the Passover Feast. The Passover Feast was a special holiday when people met in Jerusalem to worship God. They worshiped God, ate special foods, and thanked God for taking good care of them.
Jesus and His disciples walked a long way. When they were finally near Jerusalem, Jesus stopped by a small town. He told two of His disciples “Go into the town. You will find a donkey that has never been rode on. Untie it and bring it back to Me. If anyone asks you what you are doing, tell him “Jesus needs the donkey.“
The disciples went into the town. They found the donkey and untied it as Jesus told them. The owner came out and asked, “Why are you untying my donkey? They told the man, “Jesus needs your donkey.”
The owner let them take the donkey to Jesus. Jesus’ disciples laid their coats over the donkey because there was no saddle or blanket. Now the donkey was ready for Jesus to ride.
(Have the children pat their knees. This will make a noise clip clop like a donkey walking.)
As Jesus rode on the donkey to the city of Jerusalem. Some people had seen Jesus do wonderful things. They saw He had done and said good things for people. To show their love for Jesus, the people put their coats on the street. Other people cut palm branches off of palm trees to wave.
(Have the children to repeat the words after you)
People shouted, “Hosanna! Jesus is the King!” The people were happy God had sent His Son, Jesus, to be their King! Jesus is our King too!!!!
1. What did Jesus ask His disciples to do?
To go get the donkey.
2. Where did Jesus go when He rode on the donkey?
He went to the city of Jerusalem.
3. What did the crowd of people do when they saw Jesus?
They laid down their coats and waved palm branches and shouted Hosanna! Jesus is the King!
Bible Memory Verse
Have the children repeat the action rhyme line by line after you.
(Touch fingertips overhead)
(Point to smile)
(Clap hands together.)
(Jump on the words “hooray”)
Morning sun is shining bright.
Wear a smile this happy day.
We know that Jesus lives forever.
Let’s all say, “Hooray! Hooray!
“Jesus lives forever” (Hebrews 7:24)
Popsicle Stick
You May Need:
Paper and/or Printer
Green Crayon/Marker
Click the button below to download this lesson’s zip file. Print the drawing of a palm branch and have the children trace it on paper and color it green. You can also have your child trace their hand, color it green and cut it out! Add a Popsicle craft stick.
Have children wave the palms and shout: “Hosanna Jesus is King!!!”