Jesus Goes to Heaven
Bible Memory Verse: Jesus Lives Forever
— Hebrews 7:24
Age: Preschool-2nd Grade
Bible Basis: Jesus goes back to live in heaven (Luke 24:50-53; Acts 1:7-11)
Bible Truth: Jesus always loves us.
Lesson Aim: That your children will know that Jesus lives in heaven and cares for them today.
Ask students to name a fact about which they are sure, such as the sun rising this morning. Have students think of evidence to prove to someone else that this is true. For example, seeing it for yourself, finding other witnesses or past experiences.
The Bible tells us about Jesus. It tells us that after Jesus died he came back to life, He did many of the same things He did before. He walked with His disciples and talked with them. He ate with them and prayed with them. One day Jesus had something very important to tell his disciples and talked with them He led them to a place outside the city of Jerusalem that was very quiet. Jesus told His disciples, “I want you to tell the people in Jerusalem about Me. Then I want you to go to the places that are farther away. Tell the people you meet all about Me. Keep going until you have traveled around the whole world telling everybody about Me. Tell them I came to show My love. Tell them I died and came back to life. Tell them that I love them.
Then something wonderful happened. Jesus began to rise up into the sky. UP, up, up. He didn’t come back down. Instead, He went higher and higher until He disappeared into the clouds. His disciples could not see Him anymore. They kept looking up into the sky for Jesus. Then Jesus’ disciples saw two angels standing near them.
The angels said, “Why are you standing here looking up into the sky? Jesus has gone back to His home in heaven. But someday He will come back through the clouds, just like He went up.”
The disciple were happy and went back to Jerusalem to tell everyone about Jesus and His love.
Jesus loved his disciples and He loves us too.
Bible Memory Verse Song
Have the children join in this song with you.
Morning sun is shining bright (Touch fingertips overhead)
Wear a smile this happy day! (Point to smile)
We know that Jesus lives forever. (Clap hands together)
Let’s all say “Hooray! Hooray! (Jump on the words hooray)
Jesus is living now, and He loves us even though we can’t see Him. Jesus told us not to forget the He always loves us.
Guide your children with these two crafts:
Materials Needed: Printer, Paper, Scissors and Crayons/Markers