Understanding Why Jesus Died
Jesus is Tried & Crucified
(Mark 15:1-39. I Cor. 15:31)
Bible Memory Verse: Christ died for our sins. 1 Corinthians 15:3
Bible Truth: Jesus dies for people’s sins.
Lesson Aim: That your middle-school age children will be grateful that God forgives their sins because of Jesus’ death for them.
“For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be righteous” (Romans 5:19). Horror and glory, evil and righteousness characterize the story of Jesus’ death. We experience humanity at its worst and see love at its best meeting at the cross. For just as Adam brought the curse of sin into this world, so the Son of God broke the curse on the cross.
Jesus suffered great indignity and cruelty. He was condemned for blasphemy by the Jewish court and for high treason by the Roman court. Before Pilate, the crowd demanded that Barabbas be released and Jesus crucified. Pilate gave in to the people’s wishes in order to avoid a riot, though he suspected Jesus was innocent. Jesus was handed over to guards, who brutally beat and mocked Him until they tired of their game. After such treatment, Jesus was too weak to carry His cross to the site of the execution outside the city. A man along the way was forced to carry the cross for Christ. Upon arriving at Golgotha, Jesus’ arms were nailed to the crossbar, which was fastened to the upright stake already set into the ground. His feet were nailed to the stake.
Death by crucifixion was one of the cruelest and degrading means of execution possible. The victim sometimes floated in and out of consciousness for three days before succumbing to death of suffocation, being too exhausted to lift his body to breathe. The pain was excruciating, a word originating from crucifixion. Jesus refused the offers of drink to dull His pain, and remained conscious until the end.
The leaders had mocked Jesus, “He saved others they said, ‘but he can’t save himself!” (Matthew 27:42). By not saving Himself, however, He saved us. “And by his wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).
Give your child a piece of paper and have them write one side all of their wrongs or sins with their name. Don’t share with anyone put away until the end of the lesson.
Read Mark 15:1-39
Jesus was God’s only Son. He told people about God and showed them God’s love by helping them and healing them.
Some of the religious leaders hated him for his teachings and claiming he was God’s Son. They made a plan to kill him.
Jesus allowed the men to beat him, and crucify him because it was God’s plan. He was willing to die for our sins.
Bible Study Review Questions
1. Who said he found no fault with Jesus? (Pilate)
2. What did the people want to do with Jesus and Barabbas? (Let Barabbas go and kill Jesus)
3. What did the soldiers put on Jesus to wear? (A purple robe and a crown made of thorns for His head.)
4. Did Jesus have the power to save Himself? Why? (Yes, as God’s Son, He had the power to do anything). Name some things Jesus could have done.
5. Why did Jesus do what He did? (Because it was God’s plan for Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. He loved us; He wanted to make it possible for everyone to be in God’s family.)
Study these words to ensure your students’ understanding.
5. Blasphemy
6. Succumbing
7. Execution
Have you child read 1 Corinthians 15:3 and have them repeat it and then ask them what does that mean to them.
“For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures ...”