Six Ways to Share God During Social Distancing

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The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we currently live. The impact of social distancing has affected everyone during this time. What has God called us to do even during this delicate and challenging time?

We know that the Bible is true. We also know that we can stand on its Biblical Principles to guide and govern our lives. What does the Bible say about evangelism and sharing God’s Word during these challenging times?

In the book of Jonah, God called Jonah to go out of his comfort zone and preach to the great city of Nineveh (Jonah 1:2). In Matthew 28:19, Jesus commands us to make disciples of all nations. In other words, Jesus wants us to teach others the things that He has taught us. How do we teach others and get out of our comfort zone to share the Good News in the midst of a pandemic?

1. Pray. The first step is to pray and keep praying. Prayer is our connection to God’s mighty power. We need His power and direction. Luke 5:16 lets us know that even Jesus went to pray alone.

2. Study the Word. Next, we need to start or continue our Biblical devotion. Our Word is the blueprint to help us throughout life. Psalm 119:105 reminds us that God’s Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light upon our paths. We need God’s Word for growth, encouragement and intimacy with our Lord God.

3. Be Obedient. After we pray, we must take time to listen to what God would have us to do. As our Senior Pastor at Eastern Star Church, Pastor Johnson often reminds us that prayer is not a monologue, rather a dialogue. John 10:27 further states that “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” After we hear from God we must be obedient. I Samuel 15:22 reminds us that it is better to be obedient than to offer sacrifices.

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4. Share the Gospel. Next, we can familiarize ourselves with various tools or platforms that present the Word of God. Examples include YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, podcast and local radio and television stations, just to name a few. In this way, we can direct souls to the various platforms to help us to share God’s Word. 

5. Host a Worship Group. We can also organize a virtual Bible study group or a watch party of sermons or services with friends and family. Discussions can be held via Zoom, WebEx, Facebook or Skype. We can also share services on our digital platforms to those that follow and are friends with us.

6. Find Opportunities to Serve. As followers of Jesus, we need to be mindful of the effects that social distancing has on others. Some may be sad, depressed or even overwhelmed with this new normal. With this in mind, we should also consider being the hands and feet of Jesus. How can we come alongside individuals to show them Christ in the way we serve and give?

Could we go to the store for someone and leave the packages on their doorstep? Could we be a listening ear to someone that has had a hard day and needs to vent? Could we take time out of our busy schedule to pray for and with someone? Could we consider tithing, if we are not doing so already to help the church with those in need?

The church is still open! God is not closed! We are the church and we are the body of Christ. Prayerfully, ask God how you could be of the business of sharing Him today!