How to Stay Safe & Healthy During a Pandemic


Although city and state governments are lifting some COVID-19 restrictions, no one knows for sure how long the virus will continue to spread in our communities. Please continue to take measures to stay safe, healthy and faithful!

It’s important to practice recommended CDC safety measures to protect you and your family, including maintaining social distancing, wearing masks in public places, such as grocery stores, and washing your hands. If it’s not possible to wash your hands, use hand sanitizer.

It also is a perfect time to improve our health while practicing social distancing. Use these tips to get started on developing healthy habits.

 Minimize Trips to the Supermarket & Eat Healthy


There are no foods or supplements that can ‘boost’ our immune system and prevent or treat COVID-19. Eating a well-balanced diet, with plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, plant and animal proteins and healthy fats is the best way to get all the essential nutrients we need for good health and normal immune function. 

It is also important to pay close attention to food portions. Plan ahead and make a shopping list before going to the market. 

6 Healthy Things You Can Do Now

4. Replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats

5. Limit foods that are high in fat, sugar or salt

6. Limit alcohol intake

1.Eat more fruit & vegetables

2. Choose whole grains over refined grains

3. Eat smaller portions


Stay Hydrated!


Keeping hydrated is essential for overall health.  How much water we need depends on our age, sex, weight, height, level of physical activity and environmental conditions (i.e. hot weather will likely require you to drink more water).

·      Children 1-3 years old                     4 – 8 oz glasses

·      Children 4-8 years old                     5.25 – 8 oz glasses

·      Girls 9-13 years old                         6 – 8 oz glasses

·      Boys 9-13 years old                         6.5 – 8 oz glasses

·      Females 14 & over                          6.25 – 8 oz glasses

·      Males 14 & over                              8 – 8 oz glasses

Safe tap water is the healthiest and cheapest drink. Add slices of lemon, cucumber, mint or berries for a refreshing boost. Unsweetened coffee and tea or iced tea, or unsweetened, infused or flavored (sparkling) water are also good choices for hydration. 

Stay Active at Home


Physical activity benefits both the body and mind. Healthy adults should aim for at least 30 minutes of daily physical activity and at least 1 hour for healthy kids (5-17 years). Follow these tips to stay motivated.

  1. Plan time for physical activity in your day.

  2. Take regular breaks from sitting by standing up and stretching or going for a quick walk if permitted.

  3. Follow an online exercise class.

  4. Dancing, playing active video games, cleaning the house or playing with your kids all count as physical activity. 

Stay in God’s Word & Think Positive

Mental health during this crisis is also important. So, practice positive stress management strategies to stay faithful and focused.

  1. Take time daily to read the Bible, meditate and pray.

  2. Connect with a friend.

  3. Play with a pet.

  4. Enjoy quiet time outside.

We do not live by bread alone, but by every Word that comes from the mouth of God.
— Matthew 4:4