Prioritize Children’s Ministry this September

God holds a special place in His heart for children. I am reminded of the popular song, “Jesus Loves The Little Children”, written by Clare Woodson, a lyrist in the 19th century, who used Matthew 19: 13 -15 as inspiration to write the song. In this passage, Matthew recounts a scene where the disciples scolded parents for bringing their children to Jesus.  They believed he had more important people to tend to. Jesus corrects the disciples and invites the children to come so that He could pray for them saying, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19: 14)

Psalm 127: 3-5 says, Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court. Although this passage refers to children providing physical protection for their parents as they grow older, when parents invest in their children indeed, their offspring will be a reward.

Investing in your child’s spiritual development is key to producing a child who will be better able to thrive in this life because they will have the foundational tools necessary to live a life filled with purpose and impact.  Damon Watts and his wife, Kathryn, eight-year members of Eastern Star, are choosing to prioritize Christian Education for their daughter, Gabrielle. He shares these thoughts about their commitment to ensure their daughter participates in children’s programming at Easter Star.


How did children’s ministry impact you as a child?

I have great memories of children's programming at New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church on 16th and Dr. Andrew J. Brown.  There were always activities down at the church every Saturday.  We had choir rehearsal at 11:00am, Jr. Brotherhood at 1:00pm and Boy Scouts at 3:00pm.   Adults would encourage us, teach us, and feed us many Saturdays.  There was always love and laughter down at the church.  On Sundays, my mom would take me to Sunday school and the teachers were always though inspirational and caring.  


Why do you ensure that Gabrielle participates in children’s programming at Eastern Star?

Our Daughter Gabrielle is involved in Sunday School, Children's Church, and the Children's Choir.  We bring her to the programming at ESC because we value Christian Education.  We want as many believers as possible speaking life into her and helping her to be all God wants her to be. We prioritize her participation based on the things we feel are most important.  As Pastor says, "You can’t choose what you haven't been exposed to". We really want to make sure that she has a strong Christian foundation, and we feel that is best done by Sunday School and Children's Church. 


Is there anything else you would like to share to encourage parents to prioritize having their children participate in children’s ministry?

Eastern Star has made a major commitment to children and youth, and it's displayed regularly before the congregation.  We look forward to Gabs participating more as she moves into her tween and teen years.  My wife Kathryn and I take seriously our responsibility to train up Gabs in the way she should go.  With ESC's support and programming, it would be foolish to pass up on the many opportunities that God has blessed us with through our church. 


Children’s ministry programming returns on Sunday, September 11th with Sunday School on all campuses.  Prioritize making sure your child is receiving the information they need to be a blessing to you in the future!