5 Ways to Improve Your Mental Wellness with Movement


I think that we can all agree that this year has been not only unpredictable but stressful for a lot of people. Whether it is the stress of protecting loved ones, how to maintain your family's financial stability and health or the stress of the country’s current repeated state of unfortunate affairs and tragedy; we have ALL been affected in one way or another.

And, in times of stress, your own mental and physical health has probably been put on the back burner while you are tending to everyone and what seems, everyTHING else. But NOW is the time that you need to invest in your own health and wellness more than ever. Even if it seems next to impossible. And especially if you have been finding yourself feeling low these days, and finding it even harder to be enthusiastic about things you would normally enjoy or to maintain a positive outlook...


I, too, am guilty of this. But recently I have made a little time here and there to include some movement in my routine. And I have to say, it has made a difference in how I FEEL. 


Here are 5 easy things that you can do to help yourself FEEL a little better, too. 


1. Cardio (aerobic) exercise has been proven to reduce anxiety and make the brain’s “fight or flight” response less responsive. Over time, with regular exercise, someone who is prone to anxious feelings, can help develop a tolerance to situations that would normally cause their panic or anxiety to rise.

2. Move a lot or a little. BOTH are beneficial. It has been proven that it does not matter if you walk for 30 minutes at once or for 15 minutes twice a day, it all adds up and is totally beneficial to mood, mindset and your body’s overall health.

3. Meditative Movement such as yoga or Tai Chi help you to be present and pay close attention to your body’s sensations, balance and breathing. Adjusting posture and breathing along with rhythm, can all affect your brain, therefore reducing stress, depression, and anxiety, and leading to a feeling of well-being.

4. Synchronize for Self-Esteem. A recent study showed that one’s mood and confidence can be improved by simply trying to synchronize your movements to those of someone else. Perhaps there is something a bit deeper to those popular dance classes where you simply mimic the instructors moves!

5. Take it Outside. Spending time outdoors, especially in sunshine or amidst green spaces, is one of the most effective ways to relieve stress and anxiety. Ever been so angry you needed to go for a walk outside? That was your body knowing exactly what it needed to de-stress in that moment. And I am willing to bet you felt a whole lot better once you had the chance head outside and take a few deep breaths of fresh air.

Your mind and body are intimately connected. And while your brain is the control center for every move your body makes, the reverse is also true and the body and its movement have the ability to positively impact the brain as well.

Start small and add in a little movement once or twice a week and then work your way up to every other day and then once a day. Consistency will only help keep those moody blues away. And hey if there is a day when you just are not feeling up to it. No problem. Do not beat yourself up. You can always get things moving tomorrow. 
