10 Ways to Drink More Water

Water & The Bible

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” (Genesis 1:1-2) From the waters, God formed the earth and life was created.

This week, we challenge you to drink more water! In the natural world, science has explained to us the many benefits of doing so: clearer skin, removal of toxins and weight-loss to name a few.

If we view these benefits from a spiritual perspective, it is a clear reminder that water is cleansing to the soul! This week as you enjoy the benefits of our challenge, we encourage you to explore the Bible as it pertains to water.

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10 Ways to Drink More Water

  1. Add Flavor to Your Pitcher. Infusing your water with fruits, vegetable and leaves can enhance the flavor and increase the amount of health benefits your receive per ounce. Whether you are wanting to improve your cardiovascular health or freshen your breath there is a recipe for you!

  2. Drink a Glass After Every Bathroom Break. Water keeps our body hydrated which means this can help resolve digestive issues such as constipation.

  3. Sip Before Every Meal. When you drink water prior to eating, it helps to feel fuller and reduces caloric intake.

  4. Use an App to Track Your Cups. How many cups of water did I drink today? If that sounds like a question you’ll ask yourself during this challenge, you can stay accountable by downloading an App that will keep track for you! Daily Water Tracker is an app that allows you to set a goal and record your water intake with a simple tap. Aqualert is another popular app that will notify you when it’s time to drink more water!

    Both apps are free in the app stores and offer in-app purchases.


5. Keep a Gallon Jug Nearby. Having quick access to water will make achieving this challenge an easy task.

6. Use a Marked Water Bottle. If you’re a visual person, like myself, I get motivated when seeing how much water I have to drink to remain on track. You can browse the many online options for motivational water bottles or create your own vinyl and place it on your favorite jug.

7. Drink a Glass of Water Every Time You’re Waiting for Coffee to Brew. According to USA Today’s article, “Why You Should Drink Water First Thing Everyday,” drinking water before coffee helps to jumpstart your system.

8. Always Refill. Have you reached your goal? Would you like to exceed your personal goal? When your water bottle is full, it’s easier to stay hydrated.


9. Snack on Salty Foods. Crackers, almonds, popcorn etc. Eating salty foods balances the bloodstream and tells the brain to drink more water.

10. Set a deadline for every eight ounces. Setting short term goals will make it easier to reach long term goals. Creating a deadline to periodically drink 8 ounces will eliminate the chance of gulping down your hydration goal at the end the day.

Three weeks ago, the ESC Recreation Ministry presented a 4-Week Daily Habits Challenge (DHC) to all believers. The purpose of the DHC is to realigned our faith and healthy lifestyle choices as we transition to a new normal. Each weekday, complete the daily activity, snap a picture of yourself doing the habit & tag us in your social media post!