ESC is proud to provide scholarships to its high school seniors. To qualify to receive the 2022 ESC scholarship, your student must complete one of the following college readiness workshops: 1) Center for Leadership Development's College Prep Conference & College Fair (CPC) held on Saturday, September 11, 2021, or 2) ESC Scholarship Prep Day. Scholarship Prep Days are held twice a year. One in May and one in November. If your student was not able to participate in CPC, please register your child for the upcoming Scholarship Prep Day scheduled for Saturday, November 20, 2021, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m facilitated on Zoom. Scholarship Prep Day allows for students to learn about basic principles regarding college admission, financial aid, resources for educational success, hear from former ESC Scholarship recipients about their college experiences and get detailed information about how to complete the scholarship application. After this workshop, students will receive a certificate that should be included in the application packet.
For other scholarship requirements, please visit