Make Room

Colossians 3:8-10

8 But now is the time to get rid of anger, rage, malicious behavior, slander, and dirty language. 9 Don't lie to each other, for you have stripped off your old sinful nature and all its wicked deeds. 10 Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him.


As the transition into the new year begins you may find yourself reflecting on the previous year. Mentally riding through the highs and lows ultimately leads to the realization that, this year, change must occur. Of course, you may come up with some of the more common goals. Goals such as, losing weight, finding a better job, saving money, better friendships, traveling more...etc.

Undoubtedly, these are all great things, but where is making room for God on your priorities list?


Time for another mental inventory. Is making room at the top of your list? Do you start your day with Him? Or is it sort of mixed into your day when you have time? Is making room for God on your priority list at all? How is it that the things that God created, such as our bodies, work, money, our family and friends, come before the Creator Himself?


Verse nine of the text starts with, "Don't lie to each other...". While you're at it, keep it real with yourself. The things that you did last year did not work then and definitely will not work now. Verse eight states, "But now is the time...". It is time for a fresh start. Something new. Something different. Something God.


The goals that you have already set for yourself to start this year are not a waste. You can still work toward your goals like losing weight, finding a better job, saving money, better friendships, a relationship, traveling more, etc. As everyone knows, all lists and goals are adjustable. You always have time to make edits when things need changing. The real goal is to make sure that these fall in their proper place.


The mindset is for this year to be the best one yet. You would not have set goals and created resolutions if not. The hope is for success, happiness, blessings, positivity, and joy. Everyone wants to feel like they have had a great year. There is no great without God. So, while you are making resolutions and setting goals, adjust your priorities as well. The best thing that you can do for yourself this year is make room.



Father, we thank You for waking us up this morning and allowing us to see the new year. Help us to not fall into old habits and to get rid of all of the things that keep us from growing closer to You. As we set our goals and make our resolutions, help us to seek You first. Show us the way to make You our number one priority and to make room for You in our day to day life. Grant us the desire to put on our new nature, to be renewed, and to become more like you.

In Jesus Name.




  • Do you regularly make room for God in your priorities?

  • Is He at the top of your list?

  • If so, how can you do better/more this year!

  • If not, what are some ways that you can start and maintain making room?

  • What are some other changes that you can make in the new year to help your spiritual growth?


Take some time to reflect, and make sure to keep it real with yourself.