About JEWEL Bible Institute
Jewel Bible Institute is a ministry of Eastern Star Church’s Christian Education Department. It functions as an institution of higher learning for the instruction of primarily adult students committed to the study of God’s Word and growth in their discipleship journey in Christ.
Jewel Bible Institute will offer classes at 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. each Tuesday or Thursday evening beginning April 1, 2025. Registration opens March 1 - March 30, 2025.
Survey of the New Testament
Offered on Tuesdays at Cooper Road Campus. This course will help you learn to discover how to locate the Bible's major principles, promises, and commands, understand key verses and themes, and achieve an enriching, lifelong habit of Bible study. This method of study will open up the joy, wisdom, and excitement of the Bible to those who have been studying for years or anyone beginning to explore the wonders of God's Word.
Instructor: Barbara has taught the Word of God at various levels for more than 40 years. She currently works full-time and continues to serve where needed at Eastern Star Church, where she is the Director of Christian Education and Discipleship. She teaches adult Sunday school and Bible study, co-leads Women of the Word, (Eastern Star’s Women’s Ministry), serves with the Senior Saints and ESC Online, and is one of its Sunday worship leaders. She publishes a devotional entitled “W.O.E. – Women of Excellence”. In addition to a BA and an MBA, she also holds a Master of Arts in Ministry.
She is a licensed and ordained minister of the gospel who has a passion for educating, equipping, and empowering women, especially hurting women.
Barbara’s favorite scripture is Psalm 34:1 – 3, and her favorite song of worship is “How Great Thou Art”.
Building a Discipleship Foundation
Offered on Tuesdays at Main Campus. This course is designed to help believers know and apply the essential beliefs of Christianity. This updated version gives new believers and longtime followers of Jesus the foundation they need to grow strong in the Christian life.
Instructor: Reverend Stacy Webb is a native of Indianapolis, Indiana and a daughter of St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church since November 2018. Stacy announced her calling to the ministry in 2012 under the leadership of Pastor Emeritus Curtis L Vance of St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church and was later ordained under his leadership.
Stacy is an energetic, faithful servant with a heart for God, God’s people and the community. She currently serves as Executive Pastor of St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church under Senior Pastor, Rev. Jeffrey N. Brown, Jr. (2024)
Stacy is a graduate of Ball State University where she earned a Bachelor of Science (BS) Degree in Legal Administration (1993). She is currently pursing a Master of Divinity (M.Div.) Degree at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, Indiana with graduation in May 2025. Stacy is also studying Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) at Indiana University Health Hospital North.
Stacy is a Certified Dean and Instructor of Christian Education with the Sunday School Publishing Board through the National Baptist Congress of Christian Education.
Stacy currently serves as State Director of the Youth and Young Adult Auxiliary of the General Missionary Baptist State Convention, USA, Inc. She serves on the advisory board and instructor for the Mid-West Regional Youth Auxiliary of the National Baptist Convention of USA, Inc.
Stacy is a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc and a Faith Outreach Representative for the Alzheimer’s Association of Indiana.
In addition, Stacy enjoys being a Realtor with Timeko & Associates Realty Group, LLC, FC Tucker.
Stacy loves reading, journaling and traveling. She is a woman with a heart for God and God’s people. One of Stacy’s favorite scriptures is, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6
Wisdom on Wealth
Offered on Tuesdays at Fishers Campus: This course is the first course in a series on stewardship of God’s resources with our finances. We will cover various topics from a biblical perspective in conjunction with practical application of these principles. Panelists and subject matter experts will share how the WISE application of these principles has impacted their lives.
Instructor: Anthony Murdock is responsible for implementing the strategic vision of Eastern Star Church as Executive Pastor. Murdock has operated in various areas of responsibility in ministry over the past 30 years. Prior to working in full-time ministry, he worked in development as a manager, executive and business owner. He received his bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from Purdue University. He has also attended seminary. He is a licensed and ordained minister and has been connected to Eastern Star Church in various areas of responsibility over the past 25 years. He is happily married with three children.
Introduction to Theology
Offered on Thursdays at Fishers Campus. This course will provide an overview of the major doctrines of the Christian faith (i.e., Trinity, Bible, person, and work of Christ (Christology), humanity, salvation, person and work of the Holy Spirit (pneumatology), Church, (eschatology) in the context of our Statement of Faith. It will also help students differentiate between essential core doctrines and those that are of a more peripheral nature in order that they can partner well with others in the Body of Christ.
Instructor: Dr. Michael Johnson is the senior pastor of Mount Pleasant Church with over 10 years of experience in congregational leadership. He was licensed under Dr. Carl M. Johnson at Friendship Baptist Church in Hopewell, VA and ordained under Pastor Jeffrey A. Johnson, Sr. at Eastern Star Church in Indianapolis, IN.
Dr. Johnson is uniquely gifted by God in the area of congregational development. In his work at Mount Pleasant, he has developed strategic plans, created effective organizational processes, and trained new leaders resulting in a stronger congregation. In addition to this work, Dr. Johnson is also known for being an insightful minister of the gospel. His preaching gift is demonstrated through insightful revelation. He is also a gifted biblical teacher who can breakdown complicated doctrines to help believers increase their understanding of the faith. Through his preaching and teaching many people have become followers of Christ.
Dr. Michael Johnson earned his Doctor of Ministry (DMin.) degree from Bethel Seminary in Saint Paul, Minnesota. He was awarded both the Dissertation with Distinction and the William A. Fretwell Thesis awards for the best dissertation of his graduating class. Dr. Johnson was also selected by the American Baptist Churches of Greater Indianapolis to participate in a 3-year cohort with the Nehemiah Leadership Network, which he successfully completed. To become even stronger at congregational leadership, Dr. Johnson enrolled in a second master’s program at Indiana-Purdue University (IUPUI) graduating with a 4.0 and receiving the Master of Public Affairs (MPA) with a concentration in Nonprofit Management.